Asthma Books

  • How Pepe Tamed the Asthma Monster
    Pepe, a boy with asthma, learns about his condition and how to manage it with the help of his nurse practitioner and supportive family.
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  • I am Surviving Asthma
    Hey guy's thank you for reading my book! I hope I can get 100 views before March 21st! Remember to like my book!!!!
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  • Asthma
    Asthma is a respiratory condition that causes difficulty in breathing. The story follows Alex's experience with asthma, its symptoms, treatment, and prevention.
  • Asthma
    Delphy shares her experience living with asthma, including the challenges and support she receives.
  • Anthony Gets Asthma
    Anthony, a little boy living in a big city, develops asthma due to air pollution. He learns about his condition and how to manage it.
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  • My Asthma Story
    Penny, a penguin with asthma, learns to manage her condition and encourages other kids with asthma to live normal lives.
  • Asthma
    This is a story about a normal kid named Dave who has asthma. It explains what asthma is, how it affects people, and how it can be treated.
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  • Dorothy Height Civil Right Activists
    The story of Dorothy Height, a Civil Rights activist who fought for equality and made a significant impact on the rights of African Americans.
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