Attachment Books

  • My Daddy’s Dutty…and Now Mine!
    The heart-warming tale of a boy, his blankie, and how he passed it down to the next generation.
  • Baby Emotions
    The story discusses the emotional development of babies and the importance of bonding with caregivers.
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  • Death of a Traveling Balloon
    A child's attachment to a royal blue balloon and its eventual demise, leading to a funeral-like ceremony.
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  • My First Teddy Bear
    A child's attachment to their teddy bear and the journey of letting go as they grow up.
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  • My Baby Book
    A personal narrative about the author's childhood, including details about their mother's pregnancy, physical and cognitive development, and attachment.
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  • How Bosley Came To My Home
    This is a real story about how my brother,and I became real good friends with a stuffed animal named bosley the second.
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  • Sibling Trouble
    These 2 siblings don’t get along so easily.
    Read to find out how they get along.
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  • Tractors Facts !
    A tractor facts book that covers big engines, tracks and tires, cab features, and cool hitch attachments.
    Eye Icon 274
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