Automotive Books

  • Passion and Power Muscle Cars
    This book is very interesting, if you like cars then you would love this book. But anyone can read it. I hope you like it. Thanks.

    -Joel Chapin
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  • Who is Henry Ford?
    This book tells the story of Henry Ford, from his early life on a farm to his founding of Ford Motor Company and his impact on the automotive industry.
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  • automotive engineer
    This story provides an overview of safety engineering, performance, development engineering, and the history of the automotive industry.
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  • The model T
    The story of Henry Ford's life, his invention of the Model T, and its impact on the automotive industry.
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  • Henry Ford
    The story of Henry Ford, his inventions, and his impact on the automotive industry.
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  • YOUTH Magazine
    A collection of articles on various topics, including university salaries, study tips, car reviews, and horoscopes.
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  • Henry Ford and the assembly line!
    This is a biography of Henry Ford, focusing on his invention of the assembly line and its impact on the automotive industry and society.
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  • car engineer
    A brief overview of car engineering, including the importance of automotive electronics, vehicle dynamics, and climate control.
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