Aye-aye Books

  • All About Aye-Ayes
    An informative book about the Aye-Aye, a unique primate found in Madagascar's forests. It covers their habitat, diet, physical features, behavior, and fun facts.
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  • AN UGLY CRITTER the Aye-Aye
    Jimmy, an aye-aye from Madagascar, faces extinction. He lives in the rainforest, has unique features, eats various foods, and has a symbiotic relationship with bugs. Humans a…
  • Cam the Chameleon can't find his color
    Cam the chameleon tries to fit in by changing colors, but learns that being himself is the key to making friends.
  • Around The World.
    A book about five travel destinations: Bora Bora, Eiffel Tower, Louvre Museum, Madame Tussauds Museum, and Madagascar. It provides information, photos, and emphasizes the con…
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  • Nina, a Cherokee girl, encounters an unconscious boy in the woods. The elders reveal that he was attacked by the Aye-Aye, a creature that changes hair color. They explain its…
  • Strange But True: A Collection of Bizarre and Amazing Facts from Around the World
    Strange But True: A Collection of Bizarre and Amazing Facts from Around the World about animals, plants, places, food is a book that will surprise and delight you with its in…
  • Animals of Madagascar A-Z
    A collection of short descriptions about various animals found in Madagascar, highlighting their unique characteristics and behaviors.
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