Baba Yaga Books

  • Baba Yaga's Daughter
    Anya, known as Baba Yaga's daughter, learns the importance of kindness after feeling lonely. She apologizes to her classmates and shares toys, leading to friendship and laugh…
  • Discovering Russia
    Baba Yaga is a Russian witch who goes on a journey with a little girl to find a walking house. They discover a magical house that can take them anywhere they imagine. However…
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  • The Question Of Magic book 1
    Serefina gets a letter from her great aunt saying that she should be the new Baba Yaga. What will serefina do?
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  • How Ivan Cleaned the Forest from Garbage
    Ivan, a lazy man, wants to marry a princess. He meets Baba Yaga, who helps him clean the forest and start a recycling program. Ivan marries the princess and they live happily.
  • Welcome to Russia
    This book is a collection of stories and information about Russia, including a letter from a Russian native to their American cousin, a wanted ad, an old folktale, and a colo…
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