Introduction to Russia: Ученье свет, а неученье тьма, a Russian proverb that translates to Learning is light, and absence of learning is darkness. Russia is the largest nation in the world geographically speaking. Russia is located above the northern hemisphere, east to Europe, north to the Middle East and Asia, and south to The North Pole. Russia is the home to nearly 145 million people, It has the 8th largest country population in the world. Russia is currently under federation republic government and lead by Vladimir Putin. Majority of Russia and bordering countries speak Eastern Slavic. Russia and the bordering countries used to be united together and were known as the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, causing the different nations to breakaway as their own nations. Russia has many similarities to American culture. This includes family structure, appeal to art, appeal to music, and variety of folktales. Russia is an amazing place to learn about!

Short Story
Baba Yaga is an old folk tale told in Russian Culture. There are many different stories and mysterious events that are related to Baba Yaga. This an original story using the history and cultural influence of Russia.
My name is Baba Yaga. You may have never heard a story about me, that was told by me. This is my chance to tell you my story and help you understand who I am, and what happened to me. You may know me as the Russian witch that comes to your towns and eats your children. You may know me as the Russian witch that flies on brooms and lives in a walking house. Now I have to admit, some of that is true. I do live in a house that walks, I do use brooms as my main form of transportation, and I do like to travel to different neighborhoods. My story started a long time ago, back when I was a child. Growing up I did not have any friends, and I did not fit in with all the other witches and wizards around me. I grew up in a far far away land where witches and wizards lived together. When I was old enough to go to school, all the other witches and wizards made
fun of me for being so nice and kind to everyone. They believed a witch or wizard was all about being mean and cruel to anyone and everyone. Even my parents Papa Yaga and Mama Yaga, thought I was odd because of my kind nature towards everyone. As I grew up everyone made fun of me and ridiculed me for being so different. As I got older I was able to venture out into the land myself every chance I got. One day as I was traveling on my broom and I stumbled upon a Little girl. This little girl was terrified by me and frightened because I was a witch. I told her there was nothing to be afraid of him, and that I was a kind witch. She believed me and we started to hang out together. I asked her what she was doing so far away from her home, she said that she was looking for a walking house and she somehow ended up here.
I asked her what she meant by a walking house. The girl told me about a legend where a walking house roamed the earth, and if anyone can find this house and live in the house, they can travel the world and see any place they want to see. That sounds amazing and I want to help you find this walking house. After that we set off on our journey and searched the land. We did this for hours until we finally found it. Once we found it, we snuck up to it, opened the door and entered. Once we got inside we saw how wonderful and marvelous the house was inside. It was a cozy little cottage with a giant blank wall. As we approached the wall, we could see all the different things going on in her mind, on the wall. Then it all made sense, we could think about a place in our heads and the walking house would take us there.
The little girl then says to me that she would love to take me to her home place. I said that would be great, and I have never seen the human world before. Then the little girl thinks about her home place and we look outside to find ourselves there. She tells me she has many things to show me any places to stop. So we set off and we visit her hometown, we see her house, we get to see the city buildings, we see the beautiful nature all around us, and many more wonderful things. I fall in love with this human world that she has revealed to me. I consider staying and never leaving. The little girl tells me she wants to see where I'm from and my homeplace. I'm hesitant at first and worried about taking the little girl. She convinced me that everything will be fine , and we will stay in the house and look out the windows.
We go back to our walking house and I imagine my home place. As we look out the windows we can see you my house, my hometown, my school, and the dreary nature around us. Something is wrong though, the other witches and wizards can see the house and they can smell the little girl. All of a sundown they begin to come toward us. Me and the girl start to panic and we decide we need to leave. They run to the wall, where we can imagine where to go and little girl says let me imagine my own place again. Then we look outside and see that we're back at her old place and the little girl says that's enough for today, and tells me to take the house and come back to get her tomorrow. I decide it's time to go back to my home place. I imagine the woods far away from my house. Once I appear back home, I tie the house up to a tree and return home.
Once I get back to my house the whole town is waiting for me. This includes all the witches and wizards I go to school with, their parents, and my parents. They all look angry and ready to pounce. They demand to know where the girl and the walking house went. I told them I didn't know what they were talking about. They did not listen and started to search the area for the girl and the walking house. As they searched I slipped away into the woods and returned back to the walking house. In that moment as I entered the house, I decided that I do not belong here anymore and maybe it's time to move one. Maybe I can go live with my friend. I picture her home place in my head, but something is wrong, something is different. Then I see a warning sign that says you can only go to a single place in the world twice with this house. I start to panic
and realize that I will never see my friend again. Just as I thought this I looked out the window and saw the whole town coming toward me. I panic and think, I try to think of a place I have been before. Then I remember a long long time ago about a beautiful city called Moscow. I remember the witches showing me drawings of it. Then I closed my eyes and pictured Moscow in my head. Once I opened them I looked outside and I saw the trees around me, but in the distance I could see Moscow and I realized that I could never go back home, and I could never see my friend again. Ever since then I have been on a mission to find her home place. I travel around the world from neighborhood to neighborhood, looking for young children who resemble my little friend. Maybe one day I will meet her again and I will find that beautiful place again.

Two Letters
In Russian culture grandmas play a major role in raising young children. Babushka means grandma in russian. These letters emphasizes the importance of elderly respect, obedience, and family behavior.
Dear mother,
I have to confess. I have not been the best daughter or the best person I could be. Over the years I have not treated you the best, or father. I have not treated anyone very well for that matter. I'm writing this letter to apologize and to hopefully earn your forgiveness and regain your love. Over the past few weeks I have stayed with grandma and she has helped me to see all that I've done wrong. She has helped me learn and open my eyes to the right way to act and the right way to behave....
I am very thankful for this, and at first I disrespected my grandma very badly. I did not show her respect or love in anyway. Grandma was persistent though, and she made sure I learned my lesson. Over the past few weeks i have learned that the world does not revolve around me, and family is one of the most important parts of my life. I am truly sorry that I took you and father for granted. I am very thankful for the opportunity to be your daughter and I love you so very much. I cannot wait to see you again and hopefully rekindle our relationship.
Love, Molly
Dead Daughter.
Your father and I have read your letter and we would like to respond. We would like to respond by saying that we love you so very much. You are the most important and amazing thing that has happened to us. We are so thankful for the time you have had to bond and learn with your grandma. Tell her thank you from us and that we are truly grateful. We accept your apology and understand that this is one of the most difficult times in your lives. I remember being an 11-year-old girl and not understanding my parents or anyone around me. I was like you, disrespectful and oblivious to the proper and necessary behavior. I have to admit, you have gone the distance by writing this letter. You have done more to grow and change, than I ever did as a child. Your father also agrees with this and he is really impressed with your letter. We love you so much and we are eagerly awaiting your return home.
Love, Mom and Dad
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Introduction to Russia: Ученье свет, а неученье тьма, a Russian proverb that translates to Learning is light, and absence of learning is darkness. Russia is the largest nation in the world geographically speaking. Russia is located above the northern hemisphere, east to Europe, north to the Middle East and Asia, and south to The North Pole. Russia is the home to nearly 145 million people, It has the 8th largest country population in the world. Russia is currently under federation republic government and lead by Vladimir Putin. Majority of Russia and bordering countries speak Eastern Slavic. Russia and the bordering countries used to be united together and were known as the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, causing the different nations to breakaway as their own nations. Russia has many similarities to American culture. This includes family structure, appeal to art, appeal to music, and variety of folktales. Russia is an amazing place to learn about!

Short Story
Baba Yaga is an old folk tale told in Russian Culture. There are many different stories and mysterious events that are related to Baba Yaga. This an original story using the history and cultural influence of Russia.
My name is Baba Yaga. You may have never heard a story about me, that was told by me. This is my chance to tell you my story and help you understand who I am, and what happened to me. You may know me as the Russian witch that comes to your towns and eats your children. You may know me as the Russian witch that flies on brooms and lives in a walking house. Now I have to admit, some of that is true. I do live in a house that walks, I do use brooms as my main form of transportation, and I do like to travel to different neighborhoods. My story started a long time ago, back when I was a child. Growing up I did not have any friends, and I did not fit in with all the other witches and wizards around me. I grew up in a far far away land where witches and wizards lived together. When I was old enough to go to school, all the other witches and wizards made
fun of me for being so nice and kind to everyone. They believed a witch or wizard was all about being mean and cruel to anyone and everyone. Even my parents Papa Yaga and Mama Yaga, thought I was odd because of my kind nature towards everyone. As I grew up everyone made fun of me and ridiculed me for being so different. As I got older I was able to venture out into the land myself every chance I got. One day as I was traveling on my broom and I stumbled upon a Little girl. This little girl was terrified by me and frightened because I was a witch. I told her there was nothing to be afraid of him, and that I was a kind witch. She believed me and we started to hang out together. I asked her what she was doing so far away from her home, she said that she was looking for a walking house and she somehow ended up here.
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