Banking Books

    The story explains the benefits of online banking, including convenience, reliability, and safety.
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  • Christmas Money
    Janey receives money for Christmas and decides to start a bank account with her friend Hilton's help. They learn about saving, earning interest, and responsible financial hab…
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  • Where Does Our Money Go?
    Johnny learns about the reserve requirement and money multiplier when he deposits his money in the bank.
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    A person goes to the bank to get a loan and learns about simple interest.
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  • The Island Ression of 2008
    Richard, Tina, and Ethan navigate the island's economy and banking system to overcome financial challenges and improve their lives.
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  • How did Sally earn her money?
    A young boy decides to earn money by doing chores and ends up making more than he expected.
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  • Matt the Monkey
    Matt the Monkey, a cashier at Banana Republic, manages his money well, saves, and uses Bank of America for his banking needs.
  • The Big bad bank and 4 little borrowers
    Four little borrowers ask for loans from a big bad bank, leading to an economic downturn. The government steps in to help, and the economy eventually recovers.
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