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A religious book that teaches about God's love, creation, and guidance through prophets. It emphasizes the importance of prayer, baptism, and making good choices.
The story of John the Baptist preparing the way for Jesus, his baptism, and his temptation in the wilderness.

An introduction to the Baptist religion, its beliefs, practices, and history.
by Ablanton2022

The story of John the Baptist and the baptism of Jesus Christ, including his birth, upbringing, and appearance.
by EnglishPrez

A group of characters introduce themselves and discuss the topic of baptism, including its significance, rituals, and preparation.
by mtorrey2020

The story of John the Baptist baptizing Jesus and the voice from heaven declaring Jesus as the Son of God.
by ang_0807

This is the story for children about the Pentecost. It's Peter's (one of Jesus' disciples) scrapbook and from his point of view. In simple sentances and beautiful drawings, t…

The story follows Philip, a Christian who escapes Jerusalem and preaches in Samaria, performing miracles. Simon, a trickster, is baptized but wants the power to perform mirac…

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