Baptism Books

  • I Am a Child Of God And So Are You!
    A religious book that teaches about God's love, creation, and guidance through prophets. It emphasizes the importance of prayer, baptism, and making good choices.
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  • John the Baptist and Jesus' Baptism
    The story of John the Baptist preparing the way for Jesus, his baptism, and his temptation in the wilderness.
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  • Faith In Baptism
    An introduction to the Baptist religion, its beliefs, practices, and history.
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  • John the Baptist
    The story of John the Baptist and the baptism of Jesus Christ, including his birth, upbringing, and appearance.
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  • Baptism
    A group of characters introduce themselves and discuss the topic of baptism, including its significance, rituals, and preparation.
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  • Who is Jesus?
    The story of John the Baptist baptizing Jesus and the voice from heaven declaring Jesus as the Son of God.
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  • Peter's Journal
    This is the story for children about the Pentecost. It's Peter's (one of Jesus' disciples) scrapbook and from his point of view. In simple sentances and beautiful drawings, t…
  • Great Joy In That City
    The story follows Philip, a Christian who escapes Jerusalem and preaches in Samaria, performing miracles. Simon, a trickster, is baptized but wants the power to perform mirac…
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