My Published Books (1)

  • A religious book that teaches about God's love, creation, and guidance through prophets. It emphasizes the importance of prayer, baptism, and making good choices.
    by Rebekah Gibson
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My Public / Unpublished Books (7)

  • A book about my loved stuffed pteranodon, Prehistoric.
    by Rebekah Gibson
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  • Ara is a triceratops that loves the land of the Herbivores until the evil Rex king invades it! Ara leads to battle and saves the day!
    by Rebekah Gibson
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  • The funny retelling of the Greek mythology story, Pandora was told to NEVER EVER open the magical box...but she does anyways and....what happens?
    by Rebekah Gibson
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  • Marley the guppy wants to be a superfish! But Gerald and Duke claims he has no powers! Is he truly a superfish? And can he save the day?
    by Rebekah Gibson
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  • Jackson the hedgehog, helps the army of the D.R.E.A.M.S. Kingdom. But today, Jackson got a new dog. A huge, creepy, ugly new dog named Marcus. Marcus is a disgrace and a mess…
    by Rebekah Gibson
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  • Camela is the STINKIEST flower in the universe! No flower ever likes her or says that she's useful! But, when a fly invasion comes, Camela's here to save the day!
    by Rebekah Gibson
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  • Want to learn about your faivorite fantasty animal? From A-Z the fun way to meet the magical friends. (Some creatures may be unfriendly!)
    by Rebekah Gibson
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