Barbarians Books

  • Conan The Barbarian
    A barbarian named Conan transforms into Bear Grylls and fulfills his dream of exploring the world.
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  • Sam's Story
    A peasant boy named Sam embarks on a journey to save Princess Rose from a pirate, overcoming obstacles with the help of his friend Felix and becoming king in the end.
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  • Clash Royale Fight
    A young boy narrates his intense battle in a video game, reflecting on the loss of his virtual pets and planning to replace them.
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  • Clash Royale IRL
    A young boy narrates his intense battle in a video game, while also reflecting on the loss of his pet Golemites.
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  • Civil Rights Movement
    Charles, a white boy in 1963 Washington DC, witnesses the Civil Rights Movement and has a change of heart.
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  • The Adventures of Max Da Great
    A boy who becomes his grandfather in the Roman army in 900CE!
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  • The Princess Who Cried Barbarian
    Princess Guinevere, bored with her perfect life, plays a prank that backfires. She is captured by barbarians but rescued by her servant and his team.
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  • Daniel the Barbarian
    In ancient times, a barbarian named Daniel becomes the leader of a tribe with his survival skills. However, he becomes lonely and learns the importance of sharing.
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