Basket Books

  • Apple's Perfect Picnic
    This imaginative book uses relatable foods to send the message of inclusion while creating awareness and appreciation for all food groups.
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  • Delivering the Basket: a Variation of Little Red Riding Hood
    I have always enjoyed the tale of Little Red Riding Hood, so I decided to write the same story, but change little details to make it my own!
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  • The Shark Who Loved Pickles
    An unlikely friendship between a shark and a fisherman cultivated over a rather peculiar food.
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  • Easter basket
    A repetitive and simple poem about Easter, featuring an Easter basket, eggs, bunny, chick, and sugar lamb.
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  • Happy Little
    This is the true story of a little Jack Russell terrier's life and how he overcame adversity.
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  • The Little Red Wolf
    Wolfina, a wolf, and Red, a little girl, have an encounter in the forest. Red steals Wolfina's basket of baked goods and cape. They both end up at Red's grandma's house where…
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  • Biscuit's Basket of Carrots
    This is a short story on money and how to use it in daily life. This is best used when first introducing the general concept. We have a blank spaces that can be used to paste…
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  • The Lord's Feasts: for kids Spring Feasts
    The story is a collection of three tales about children learning the significance of religious traditions: Passover, Feast of Unleavened Bread, and First Fruits. Each story e…
    Eye Icon 2004
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