Basking Sharks Books

  • An Adventure in The Atlantic Ocean
    Juan, a basking shark, meets a blue shark and they encounter a lemon shark. They teach him about respect and become friends.
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  • Facts about sharks
    A collection of facts about different species of sharks, including their characteristics, behaviors, and habitats.
  • All Star Alliterators 2015-2016
    In second grade, we’ve been learning how words and phrases supply rhythm and meaning in a story, poem, or song. We looked at many different mentor texts to see how writers us…
  • All About Sharks
    A detailed and informative book about sharks, covering their physical characteristics, behavior, reproduction, and more.
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  • Fish in the ocean
    The story provides information about dangerous and non-dangerous fish, including sharks, jellyfish, dolphins, basking sharks, and seahorses.
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  • Monty Saves the Coral Reef
    Monty and Roxie, a basking shark and a remora fish, visit a polluted coral reef and meet Freddy the clownfish and Chica the coral crab. Monty scares away a human to help clea…
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  • The world's weirdest FOOD
    Explore the world's strangest and most normal foods, from haggis in Scotland to fried tarantulas in Cambodia. Discover unique culinary traditions and expand your palate.
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  • About Sharks
    This book is about 31 species of sharks. If you want to know about these, read this book.
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