Battlefield Books

  • The Legend of Rock Paper Scissors
    A story about the origins of rock paper scissors, where three kingdoms go to war over stolen resources until a sorcerer intervenes and creates the game as a tiebreaker.
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  • Orthodox Henry
    'The answer is 54....' Answered a student in the class. Henry wondered what the question was. He got lost in his thoughts and ended up in a yoga room, then a battlefield, and…
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  • American Sniper
    Private Kyle, a soldier, struggles with his weapons on the battlefield until he faces Darth Vader and becomes a Jedi.
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    The story of Clara Barton, the 'angel of the battlefield', who provided aid and supplies to Union soldiers during the Civil War and went on to establish the American Red Cros…
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  • I am the Angel of the Battlefield
    The biography of Clara Barton, a remarkable woman who risked her life to help wounded soldiers during the Civil War and founded the American Red Cross.
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  • During the Civil War, brothers Andrew and Joseph Cross fight on opposite sides. They tragically meet on the battlefield, resulting in Joseph's death.
  • Title: Nick at 30: The Fortnite Journey
    The story of Nick at 30, a Fortnite YouTuber who rose to fame and built a community, inspiring gamers everywhere.
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  • Tale of triplet cats
    This is a story written by 9 years old. This is a story of brave triplet cats who got save from doggy raiders
  • Didn't find what you're looking for?    Create your own book
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