Bingo Books

  • Healthy Living Activities For Children
    Excellent for educators of preschool/elementary age students. A book of suggested children activities to inspire awareness in achieving a healthier lifestyle. Written by a …
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  • Katy the Near-Sighted Kangaroo
    A story that shows the importance of being yourself through an adventurous day with Katy the Near-sighted Kangaroo.
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  • Bluey's Play time
    Bluey and Bingo, two siblings, invite the reader to play with them. They ask their dad for a game idea and end up playing servant and queen. Btw everyone my 2 bluey book is o…
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  • Bingo's big adventure!
    Bingo, a dog, enjoys a sunny day with friends, discovers a sausage shop, and rushes home to reunite with his owner Alexander, who fears he lost him.
  • Bingo the pup
    Bingo says hi to all of you. Do you want to say hi back, and read please
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    Bad guys hide the gold they stole by dropping it out of a plane mixed with cans of soda. Unfortunately for them not only can they not find the gold but they must deal with a …
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