Biogas Books

  • Our Water Supply
    The story discusses the reuse of treated wastewater, biogas production, and the importance of staying home during a pandemic.
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  • Sources of energy
    The story introduces different sources of energy, highlighting their advantages and disadvantages.
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  • World War C-19
    Alien species named Covid invade Earth with a virus. Humans fight back, develop a vaccine, and defeat the aliens.
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  • ABC's of Climate Change
    A collection of words and phrases related to the environment, climate change, and sustainability, with a focus on education and action.
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  • Millie goes to Mexico
    Millie explores Mexico City, visiting its landmarks and learning about its culture, social issues, and unique jobs, while reflecting on her experiences and the lives of other…
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  • My visual city
    This book provides an overview of renewable energy sources, including space-based solar power, human power, embeddable solar power, and biomass.
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