My Public / Unpublished Books (11)

  • A list of road signs and their meanings, with some errors in grammar and vocabulary.
    by nguyenthuyan
    Eye Icon 75
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  • The story provides information about several overcrowded cities around the world, including Shanghai, Karachi, Beijing, Delhi, Tokyo, Moscow, Seoul, and Hanoi.
    by nguyenthuyan
    Eye Icon 14
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  • A description of futuristic transportation methods, including flying cars, underwater trains, teleporters, and more.
    by nguyenthuyan
    Eye Icon 46
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  • An introduction to the festival of Halloween, its traditions, and games.
    by nguyenthuyan
    Eye Icon 17
  • The story introduces different sources of energy, highlighting their advantages and disadvantages.
    by nguyenthuyan
    Eye Icon 22
  • by nguyenthuyan
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  • The story provides information about various universities in Vietnam and the world, highlighting their rankings and specialties.
    by nguyenthuyan
    Eye Icon 7
  • A book about different community service activities, such as donating books, blood, planting trees, and helping the elderly. It emphasizes the importance of giving back to th…
    by nguyenthuyan
    Eye Icon 24
  • The story introduces different types of music, musical instruments, and pictures. It provides some information about each category.
    by nguyenthuyan
    Eye Icon 140
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  • An introduction to various Vietnamese foods and drinks, including pho, bun cha, stuffed pancake, coffee, tea, lemonade, cha ca La Vong, and spring roll.
    by nguyenthuyan
    Eye Icon 309
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  • A guide on how to stay healthy by eating well, sleeping enough, exercising, and maintaining personal hygiene.
    by nguyenthuyan
    Eye Icon 74

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