Birth Defects Books

  • Pregnancy Month by Month
    A brief overview of the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, and birth, including some information on birth defects.
  • Pregnancy: Month-by-Month
    A comprehensive guide to pregnancy, covering topics such as conception, pregnancy stages, what not to do, birth defects, and options for giving birth.
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  • Pregnancy Broken Down to Expecting Mothers
    A comprehensive guide to pregnancy, covering topics such as stages, birth defects, do's and don'ts, birth options, and complications.
  • Pregnancy Month by Month
    A comprehensive guide to pregnancy and prenatal development, covering topics such as the menstrual cycle, fertilization, birth defects, trimesters, and birth options.
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  • I have a genetic condition.
    It is about my son's rare genetic condition and all the complications that it has added to his life.
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  • down syndrome
    A brief overview of Down Syndrome, including its causes, characteristics, and challenges faced by individuals with the condition.
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  • Pregnancy Month-by Month
    A book about pregnancy and childbirth, covering topics such as menstrual phases, fertilization, birth defects, trimesters, birth options, and labor.
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  • My Super Language
    A book for young children promoting diversity through awareness about deafness and the use of sign language to communicate.
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