Black Codes Books

  • Amy Kwak, not Quack
    Amy Kwak is our hero. She goes to a new school and on her first day her teacher calls her, "Quack." She gets very annoyed and everyone makes fun of her! What will she do? Rea…
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    As a scientist working in a top secret research facility that contains deadly anomalies, Dr. Elbertson grows tired of it, and decides to release every anomaly there, but it t…
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  • Reconstruction
    Dylan and Mary learn about the Reconstruction period after the Civil War, including segregation, Black Codes, Jim Crow Laws, and important court cases.
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  • A is for Allen Brook
    This is an informative book about Allen Brook School in Williston, Vermont. It covers various aspects of the school including its rules, facilities, staff, and activities. Th…
  • The Story of Reconstruction
    A brief overview of the Reconstruction period after the Civil War, including key events and legislation.
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  • Boys  & girls Roblox outfit ideas!!!
    A guide to spending Robux on avatars, featuring outfit ideas for boys and girls. Includes prices and item names.
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  • Southern Reconstruction
    Jackson, a freedman during the Southern Reconstruction, faces discrimination and limited opportunities due to segregation and black codes.
  • Civil Rights and Reconstruction vocabulary
    This story provides definitions and brief explanations of key terms related to segregation, integration, sit-ins, bilingualism, migrant workers, Jim Crow Laws, Black Codes, s…
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