Blended Family Books

  • My Blended Family
    Sammy, a 10-year-old shark, shares his experience of his parents' divorce and becoming part of a blended family.
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  • My Blended Family
    Hope introduces her blended family, including her new baby sister, and expresses her love for them.
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  • Many Different Families!
    The story explores different types of families, including nuclear, LGBTQ, single-parent, blended, and more, emphasizing that every family is special.
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  • Randee's family book
    RJ shares about their blended family, the functions they serve, traditions they celebrate, and the roles they play, highlighting love and support within their family unit.
  • The Story Of Us
    Brad meets Allena, they fall in love, get married, and have a baby. Allena bonds with Brad's daughter Madison.
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  • My Blended Family
    Janet shares her experience of being part of a blended family, highlighting the challenges and joys of having multiple parents and siblings.
  • Benjamin's Book
    A child describes their blended family, school life, homeschool routine, and city rules in a simple and repetitive manner.
  • The Family Life Cycle
    A story of a couple's journey from high school sweethearts to a happy retirement, with ups and downs along the way.
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