Boeing 747 Books

  • The Hindenburg
    This book gives some very basic background information on the Hindenburg disaster of 1937
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  • Up in the air!
    An informative book about different types of aircraft, their uses, and interesting facts.
  • Aerospace Engineering???
    An overview of aerospace engineering, important people in the field, and fun facts about aircraft and spacecraft.
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  • boeings and airbusses
    A list of various planes, including commercial and military ones, as well as sports cars.
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  • Big Book Of Planes
    A book about different types of planes and their functions, with some information on the cockpit and interior. Includes a personal anecdote about a boy who enjoys plane spott…
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  • Patty the Plane
    A family goes on an exciting trip from Calgary to Tokyo, learning about the new runway at the airport and its impressive size along the way.
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  • A captivating narrative of the rivalry between Airbus and Boeing, showcasing their groundbreaking aircraft and impact on global aviation.
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