Brain Injury Books

  • Lily and the Boo Boo in Her Head
    Lily, a ballerina with a brain injury, learns to control her emotions through drumming and becomes a professional dancer.
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  • My Brother and a basket ball hoop
    CJ's basketball accident leads to a brain injury, but he recovers. The story discusses prevention methods and lessons learned.
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  • The Journey of Titus
    Titus, a young football player, faces challenges from injuries to cancer. With determination and faith, he overcomes them and achieves his dreams.
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  • TBI in football
    Steven, a football player, suffers a traumatic brain injury and goes through a challenging recovery process.
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  • Who Was Phineas Gage?
    The story of Phineas Gage, a man who survived a severe brain injury, and the impact it had on his life.
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  • Toms Busy Day
    Tom and his dad both suffer brain injuries, but receive successful surgeries and are expected to recover fully.
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  • L.O.V.E
    A boy and a girl in a small village face opposition to their love. They separate due to an accident, but reunite when the boy learns sign language to communicate with the mut…
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    Pete gets a head injury while playing at the playground. He is taken to the hospital and diagnosed with a concussion.
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