Breakdancing Books

  • Hip Hop Culture
    A young boy discovers breakdancing and becomes passionate about it, joining a dance crew and participating in competitions.
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  • Princess Katalina
    A story about a princess named Katalina and her life in Corpus Christi, Texas.
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  • The Stick-Man's Journey
    A story about a sitck-man stuck in a bad situation
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  • ABC's of Capoeira
    An alphabetical poem introducing acrobatics, balance, capoeira, dance, eye contact, fun, gametime, helping hands, instrument, joy, kind, leaps, moving, no hitting, original, …
  • break dance
    The story explores the origins and development of b-boying, a style of street dance that originated among African American and Puerto Rican youth in the 1970s.
    by or55
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  • The unexpected, but Fabulous show Sessions Robinson
    Posey, a dog, leaves her job at 'Amazing Animal Acting' to start her own show with a diverse cast of animals. She overcomes challenges and puts on a successful performance.
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