Brother Books

  • Super Mario Brothers Adventure
    Bowser is out of control and Mario and Luigi save the day!
    Eye Icon 17731
    Star Icon 292
  • The Three Brothers
    Three competitive brothers try to prove who is the smartest by finding the best way to travel the world.
    Eye Icon 1400
    Star Icon 154
  • The Love That Never Ends
    This book is about an amazing superhero who is now an angel in brother, Benjamin.
    Eye Icon 1709
    Star Icon 190
  • Henry Becomes a Big Brother
    What's a big brother? That's the exact thought Henry pondered when his little sister was born. He was excited to find out it was a lot more fun than just changing diapers! Re…
    Eye Icon 3025
    Star Icon 58
  • The Super Hero Baby Brothers
    Two super hero baby brothers. Big brother learns in the end that he actually loves his super hero baby brother and doesn't want to lose him.
    Eye Icon 1504
    Star Icon 74
  • Two Brother's ABC's
    Story of two brothers going through the ABC's in the year 2020.
    Eye Icon 623
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    Winner of the 2019-2020 National PTA Reflections Award in the literacy category for the theme "Look Within". Jubody is about three siblings and their quest to get back home a…
    Eye Icon 73726
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  • Meet My Silly Brother
    A unique story book for children of all ages to treasure. Illustrating two distinct personalities, two brothers express values of kindness and love through words and pictures…
    Eye Icon 296
    Star Icon 6
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