Bulldog Books

  • Teddy , The Adorable Bulldog
    A little puppy named Teddy finds a loving home with a girl named Jessa and lives a happy little life as Teddy the Adorable Bulldog. This story is a fun nonfiction story of ho…
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  • Cutest Dog Breeds Ever!
    A charming look at eighteen of the eight year old author's favorite dog breeds. Loaded with facts and adorable pictures, this book will delight dog lovers everywhere!
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  • If You Give A Bulldog Pizza
    a bulldog who wants pizza then wants soda then needs to use the bathroom and so on. It was inspired by Laura Joffe Numeroff's If You Give A Mouse A Cookie Series.
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  • Bulldogs
    A young girl named Olivia writes a book about bulldogs, covering topics such as owning, description, health problems, and different breeds.
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  • Dog breeds
    This is an informative book about different breeds of dogs, providing details about their height, lifespan, color, and other interesting facts. It also includes a matching ga…
  • Bulldogs
    This book explores bulldogs as companions, their care, history, and health, written by a young author with personal experience owning bulldogs.
  • My Dog Bailey
    A young child describes their French Bulldog, Bailey, and all the funny and lovable things he does.
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  • My Dog River
    A child describes their French Bulldog named River, his appearance, activities, and their love for him.
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