Calcium Books

  • Calcium
    This book provides information about the element calcium, including its properties, uses, and importance in the body.
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  • The Sliding Filament Theory
    A story about the process of muscular contraction, using characters to represent different components.
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  • The Calcium Expedition: Path to Healthy Bones
    This storybook is an exciting and thrilling adventurous story that will help children ages 6 and above appreciate the importance of one of the essential minerals (Calcium) ou…
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  • Every Bone needs Calcium
    This book provides information about the element calcium, including its properties, uses, and significance.
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  • Calcium and Chloride
    Two sisters on the planet Calcium are moving to different cities, leaving behind their planet's strong anger emotions.
  • Calcium
    Sam, a strong man, teaches Bob about the importance of calcium. Bob becomes strong but later suffers from an overdose.
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