Cape Books

    He runs with animals in the forest, pilots an airplane, and rides a wild horse. This extraordinary little boy does not know that he is growing up to be a superhero.
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  • Man-Man's First Cape
    A story about sewing, a kid with an imagination and the fantastic results of it all.
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  • Rose's Gift
    This is a story about a young girl, by a young girl, to inspire a world of young girls.
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  • The Little Red Wolf
    Wolfina, a wolf, and Red, a little girl, have an encounter in the forest. Red steals Wolfina's basket of baked goods and cape. They both end up at Red's grandma's house where…
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  • If you give a mouse a cape
    A mouse named John wants a cape, mask, and sword. He goes to the market to defeat a villain.
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  • The Little Girl and the Red Cape
    This story is about a young girl who dreams of having a red cape and all the adventures she would go on!
  • Miss Bee and the Bully
    Bully Awareness, teach your children how to face bullies with Miss Bee and the Bully. Explore the magic of storytelling.
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  • Not All Heroes Wear Capes
    A story about a girl named Sydney who faces the challenges of living with Type One Diabetes and inspires others with her bravery and selflessness.
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