Carrots Books

  • Bunnies Versus Man
    Bunnies try different methods to reach a carrot sale, finally succeeding. They enjoy carrots and declare their love for them.
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  • COCO's baking channel
    Coco's baking channel teaches how to bake fortune cookies, but the instructions are mixed with unrelated content about carrots and opening a carrot shop.
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  • The Perfect Carrot
    George learns how to grow carrots and saves the day when the bunnies go missing.
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  • Cary the Carrot meets Piggie and Gerald
    Abby worked very hard as an author and illustrator to write her book, "Cary the Carrot meets Piggie and Gerald". Abby really enjoys Mo Willem books featuring Piggie and Geral…
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  • The Mystery of the Golden Carrot
    Fluffy finds a cave, discovers a golden carrot mystery, solves it on her birthday, and receives the golden carrot as a present.
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  • Finn and the Orange Root
    Finn, a curious boy, learns about the healing properties of a special strain of carrot against COVID-19. With his father's help, they use microchips and parrots to distribute…
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  • Felicia Fox and the Case of the Missing Carrot Cake
    Felicia Fox, a detective, solves the mystery of a missing carrot cake. She interviews suspects and discovers the culprit.
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  • Rabbits
    An informative book about rabbits, covering their lifespan, diet, senses, behavior, and physical characteristics.
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