Cathedrals Books

  • The Middle Ages
    A brief overview of various aspects of the Middle Ages, including castles, knights, Charlemagne, cathedrals, the Black Death, and chivalry.
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  • About My Town
    Welcome to Osimo, Italy. Osimo is a lovely town on the Adriatic coast in the center of Italy. It has beautiful beaches and is rich in art and culture. There are ancient cathe…
  • Intercultural competences
    A group of tourists ask for directions to Monreale Cathedral and a place to eat, encountering helpful locals along the way.
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  • Sioux Falls , A Great City
    Learn a little bit about Sioux Falls interesting history through its unique buildings. Written & illustrated by Jason Folkerts
  • PiNK
    Can Calvin, a high school chemistry teacher, match wits with the richest and most intelligent scientist in the world? When that scientist is his brother who is trying to tak…
  • The American Revolution ABC Book
    A comprehensive overview of the American Revolution, including key events, figures, and its impact on the United States.
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  • Something beautiful from Moldova
    A description of two cities in Moldova, Chișinău and Bălți, including their parks and cathedrals.
  • The Dark Ages
    A collection of short stories about castles, nobles, the plague, cathedrals, and peasants in medieval Europe.
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