Change Of Scenery Books

  • Bubbles Finds A Home
    A change in circumstances has brought Bubbles the rabbit to school. Although he enjoys being a classroom pet, he often wishes for a home of his very own.

    This is a t…
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  • The Magic Cupboard
    A curious girl enters a spooky house and discovers a magical stable with beautiful horses. She overcomes her fear and embarks on a magnificent adventure.
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    A child describes their experience of working from home during a long break due to the coronavirus, highlighting the benefits of not being in school.
  • Jaxon the great
    Jaxon, a gifted and talented student with ADHD, shares his experiences and strategies for success in school.
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  • Resilience
    Valeria, a little girl from a rural village, is sad about moving to the big city of Chicago. However, she learns to embrace the change and finds happiness in her new surround…
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  • Journey to the Past
    Professor Vandoran, a time-traveling scientist, embarks on an adventure to the Ice Age and Cretaceous periods to bring back extinct species for a museum exhibit. He is accomp…
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    Snell the snail follows the same routine every day. It's how he stays in his comfort zone. One morning while out for a crawl, a stranger picks Smedley up and puts him down on…
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    'Survival' is one of the most popular TV shows in the world. It has been the #1 shows for decades. Now the producers are ready to take the show to outer space. But things don…
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