Chesapeake Bay Books

  • Chesapeake Bay
    The story provides a list of abiotic factors, flora, fauna, and tools used in the Chesapeake Bay.
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  • The Bay I Love
    A young child and their father go fishing at Chesapeake Bay every summer. Over time, they notice changes in the bay and decide to take action to protect it.
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  • Save the Bay!
    Chester the crab introduces his home, the Chesapeake Bay, and discusses the pollution problem and efforts to clean it up.
  • Comb Jellies
    An informational text about comb jellies, including their abilities, habitat, migration, reproduction, appearance, and other facts.
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  • The Roanoke Colony
    The Roanoke Colony, established by England in the late 16th century, mysteriously disappeared. Various theories suggest Native American attacks or integration with tribes.
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  • Early Settlers of America
    A somewhat disorganized and incomplete overview of the exploration and colonization of the New World by Spain, France, and England, as well as the establishment of English co…
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  • The Sea of Monsters
    Percy Jackson, a demigod son of Poseidon, embarks on a quest to the Sea of Monsters to save his friend Grover and retrieve the Golden Fleece. Along with his friends Annabeth …
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  • Frederick Douglass: Road to Freedom
    The story of Frederick Douglass, a slave who dreams of freedom and escapes from slavery.
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