Christopher Newport Books

  • All About Christopher Newport
    A quick informative book about Christopher Newport, perfect for primary grades.
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  • The Exploration Era
    A brief overview of famous explorers and their discoveries, highlighting Christopher Columbus, Juan Ponce de Leon, Jacques Cartier, and Captain Christopher Newport.
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  • Early Explorers
    The story introduces early explorers and their discoveries in the Western Hemisphere, emphasizing the use of maps.
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  • The Tale of Four Men
    A brief introduction to four explorers who played significant roles in the exploration and settlement of the Americas.
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  • ABC's of _____________
    An alphabetical list of explorers from different time periods and regions, including their names, nationalities, and brief descriptions.
  • Where I am From
    A personal reflection on the author's upbringing, experiences, and values, highlighting various aspects of their life.
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  • ABC's of Important History Facts
    An alphabetical list of notable people, inventions, and historical events. Each entry provides a brief description.
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  • The British Colonization of Jamestown
    A series of letters from William to Elizabeth, chronicling his experiences in Jamestown, including the search for gold, farming, conflicts with Native Americans, and the grow…
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