Civics Books

  • ABC'S of Civics
    An alphabetical guide to the United States Constitution and government, covering topics from Adaptation to the White House.
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  • ABC's of The USA Government!
    An alphabet book that introduces various aspects of the US government, history, and civic concepts.
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    Calinescu Razvan
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  • The Seven Principles of the Constitution(:
    An overview of key concepts in American government, including popular sovereignty, republicanism, federalism, separation of powers, checks and balances, limited government, a…
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  • The Electoral College
    Jane asks John about the electoral college and learns how it works.
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  • Civic Responsibilities
    A brief introduction to the concept of government and civic responsibilities for citizens, with some examples and suggestions.
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  • Civic
    Ophelia gets caught driving without a license and learns about legal norms and consequences.
  • Civics Project
    This book provides an overview of the three branches of the U.S. government, their responsibilities, and requirements for key positions.
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