Civil Rights Movement Books

  • I Have A Dream...
    A biography of Martin Luther King Jr., his life, activism, and impact on the Civil Rights Movement.
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  • Civil Rights Movement
    Charles, a white boy in 1963 Washington DC, witnesses the Civil Rights Movement and has a change of heart.
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  • ABC's of Martin Luther King Jr.
    A brief biography of Martin Luther King Jr., his activism, achievements, and impact on civil rights in America.
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  • Civil Rights Movement
    A brief overview of the Civil Rights Movement in the United States, including key events and figures.
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  • The Life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
    This book provides a biography of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., highlighting his life, achievements, and impact on the Civil Rights movement.
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    The story of Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X, their different approaches to civil rights, and the impact they had on American society.
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  • Martin Luther King Jr.
    This book provides a biography of Martin Luther King Jr., his upbringing, education, and his role in the civil rights movement.
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  • Keep Moving Forward Activists of The Civil Rights Movement
    The story is a historical recount of the Civil Rights Movement, highlighting key figures like Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King Jr. It also includes math problems related to …
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