Civilizations Books

    A tour guide takes readers on a journey through the ancient Indus Valley Civilization, covering its geography, society, caste system, religion, culture, and technological adv…
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  • During the Prehistoric Times
    A brief overview of the history of Earth, from Pangea to the Middle Ages, with a focus on the development of humans and civilizations.
    An introduction to the Gandhara civilization, its art, architecture, significance, and influence on religion and culture.
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  • Gandhara Civilization
    The story provides historical information about the Gandhara civilization, including its art, religion, political history, and toys.
  • 7th Grade World History
    A tour guide takes readers on a journey through world history, covering topics such as geography, government, culture, religion, river civilizations, age of empires, coloniza…
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  • Aztec Civilization
    The story discusses the geographical barriers faced by the Aztecs and how they overcame them through innovative farming techniques and the use of calendars. It also mentions …
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  • The Civilizations of the Americas
    The story provides a detailed comparison of the Mayan and Inca civilizations, covering aspects such as geography, culture, religion, achievements, political system, economic …
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  • 7th Grade World History
    A 7th-grade student reflects on their social studies lessons, covering topics such as geography, economics, government, culture, religion, river civilizations, age of empires…
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