Classroom Plan Books

  • Will Little Bear go back to school?
    Little Bear is anxious about how Covid-19 will affect the upcoming school year. Will he be able to go back to his classroom or will he have to learn remotely?
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  • PiNK
    Can Calvin, a high school chemistry teacher, match wits with the richest and most intelligent scientist in the world? When that scientist is his brother who is trying to tak…
  • Colloborative Creations About Our Dream School
    Teachers and students from different countries collaborate to create various areas in their school. The story focuses on the creation of the classroom plan, science lab, libr…
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  • Brains at work: Learning to Think, Plan and Grow Executive Functioning for Kids
    Join a group of friends as they tackle a classroom challenge, learning to overcome their individual struggles with executive functioning skills through teamwork and fun strat…
  • Though a Type One diabetic cannot stop the onset of his or her disease, the related stigma influences outsiders to believe that diabetes is the diabetic’s fault. The negative…
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  • UMS Writing Camp 2022 Lego Adventures
    A collection of children's stories involving adventures, treasure hunts, and battles with mythical creatures. The characters face various challenges and learn important lesso…
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  • Friends
    The book is complete! anyone is welcome to read... Please comment and like! :)
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  • A is for Allen Brook
    This is an informative book about Allen Brook School in Williston, Vermont. It covers various aspects of the school including its rules, facilities, staff, and activities. Th…
  • Didn't find what you're looking for?    Create your own book
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