Clemson Books

  • Clemson Football is Great
    A recount of Clemson Tigers' victories against various teams, building up to their goal of winning the National Championship.
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  • The ABC's of Joseph's 1st Year
    A simple alphabet book that introduces a boy named Joseph and his experiences from birth to one year old.
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  • Decade of Losses II-Clemson (2010-2020)
    A list of Clemson football game scores from 2010 to 2020, with a brief comment on their improvement.
  • Ohio State Football 2020-21
    This is a book cataloging the Ohio State 2020 - 2021 football season.
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  • The Warrior kid
    Joshua, a student at Clemson University, shares snippets of his life, including his crush on Brooke, his gang, and various misadventures.
  • The Big Game
    AJ and his friends try out for the football team, face challenges, and eventually become national champions.
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  • Connie Gains Her Con(nie)fidence
    Connie, a first-year student at Clemson University, struggles with her grades and seeks help from PAL, a tutoring program. With support and resources, she improves her study …
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  • The Football Player
    Charlie and David become best friends and join the school football team. They face challenges, make jokes, and ultimately win the championship.
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