Cleopatra Books

  • Cleopatra and the Magic Flute
    Cleopatra finds a magic flute that whisks her to the land of fairy tales! She has to get home soon or she might run out of time.
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  • Cleopatra VII
    The story of Cleopatra, her rise to power, leadership style, major accomplishments, monuments and building projects, battles and conquests, and family life.
    Eye Icon 1793
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  • Cleopatra and the Magic Flute 2
    Cleopatra returns the Land of Fairytales with her magic flute, but something goes wrong. Will she ever be able to return home, and if she does, will she ever be able to go b…
    Eye Icon 1439
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  • Cleopatra and the flute
    Princess Cleopatra discovers a magical flute that takes her on an adventure to different fairy tale worlds.
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  • The Story of Cleopatra
    The story of Cleopatra, an Egyptian queen who ruled during the time of Julius Caesar and Mark Antony, and her tragic downfall.
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    A cat named Cleo is curious about her neighbors and loves her owner. She dislikes mushrooms and enjoys tummy rubs.
    by MVIP
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  • Gemstones in the world
    This book provides information about precious stones like ruby, diamond, emerald, pearl, and amber, including their characteristics and historical significance.
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  • Cleopatra's Journey
    The story of Cleopatra, a powerful ruler of Egypt who faced challenges and sought alliances to maintain her position.
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