Coach Books

  • Sammie's soccer dream
    A girl named Sammie who goes through challenges to accomplish her dreams.
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  • Baseball and Friends
    Cheating at sports will only make things worse in the end.
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  • Coach Mark's Birthday Gift
    Baylee wants to give her coach, Coach Mark, a special birthday present - a home run. With the support of her friend Freedom, she achieves her goal and surprises Coach Mark on…
  • I Want to Pitch!
    Elizabeth wants to pitch in a baseball game, but her coach tells her she needs to practice more.
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  • Hockey!
    Mike, a hockey player, asks Coach Dave if he can put hockey pucks on dots in a pattern. They discuss the number of pucks and create a table and graph to represent it.
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  • Heaven's Pup
    A heartfelt poem in memory of a beloved dog, Abbie, who brought joy and love to the author's family.
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  • The Adventures of Pistol Pete
    Coach Co adopts a mistreated dog named Pistol Pete, who finds love and happiness in his new home before passing away. Coach Co decides to honor Pete's memory by adopting anot…
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  • Our LEGO Stories
    An anthology of stories created and illustrated by the LEGO Young Writers Camp students! These kids rocked at writing and LEGOs!
    Eye Icon 521
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  • Didn't find what you're looking for?    Create your own book
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