Cognitive Skills Books

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    Capoo, an autistic child, shares how online games changed his life, improving his focus, grades, social integration, and cognitive skills. He also warns about the negative ef…
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  • Jesse & JordynWatch me learn and grow!
    Follow the growth and development of baby Jesse and Jordyn as they learn and develop their cognitive and language skills over their first year.
  • Infancy: Birth to 12 months
    Infants go through cognitive and language development, reaching milestones like object permanence and babbling. Caregivers play a crucial role in fostering these milestones.
  • Jimmy's Adventure
    Jimmy, a curious 4-year-old boy, explores and develops his cognitive and language skills, achieving various milestones.
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  • Cambree's Day At School
    Cambree, a 4-year-old preschooler, loves circle time at school where she learns about books, counting, colors, and more. She enjoys participating, sharing stories, and is dev…
  • Betsy's Busy Day
    This is a short story describing a basic day for a toddler while providing cognitive and language skills that shows a toddler who is on track with their developmental milesto…
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  • Week 3 Assignment 2 Story Book Jan Warner ECE 332 Child Development Maura Kelley June 1, 2021
    This book provides a list of cognitive and language milestones for children aged 1-3 years old.
    by js3
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  • SEE WHAT WE CAN DO Development Milestones
    This story provides a list of developmental milestones for children at different ages, focusing on cognitive and language skills.
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