Colonial Era Books

  • Temperance Flowerdew A True Story of a Lady Survivor in Jamestowne
    A real history short story of a woman who played a significant role in early Jamestown.
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  • Sir George Yeardley A Jamestowne Story of a Soldier, Captain, Governor, Planter, and Adventurer
    The story is a historical account of Sir George Yeardley, an adventurer who was part of the first permanent settlement in America. It details his experiences, from being ship…
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  • The American Revolution
    This is a detailed account of the American Revolution, covering key events and figures. It provides an in-depth look at the causes, battles, and outcomes of the war, includin…
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  • the story of a woman in a colonial era
    Brigida, a determined woman in Colombia during a war, defies societal norms to study medicine and becomes a leader in a group that helps soldiers.
    A story about the history and myth of Ngerong Cave, which was once an escape route for refugees during the colonial era.
  • cat's guide to colonial America
    A brief overview of the colonial era in America, covering the New England, Mid Atlantic, and Southern colonies, their economies, religions, and interdependence.
    The story follows Tatang, a skilled martial artist who robs the authorities to help the poor in the Dutch colonial era. However, he is eventually betrayed and killed by the c…
  • My Colonial Adventure
    Jane travels back to the colonial era and learns about the different colonies, their goals, and interactions.
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