"American Revolution"
The American Revolution also known as the American Revolutionary war was the war fought for American Independence. The conflict arose from growing tensions between residents of the 13 colonies in North America and British authorities. After the First continental congress meeting where the issues of the Intolerable Acts were dicussed, delegates scheduled another meeting to be held in May 1775. Little did they know a massive war was about to break out.

After the First continental congress meeting where the issues of the Intolerable Acts were dicussed, delegates scheduled another meeting to be held in May 1775. Little did they know that a war was about to break out. On April 18, approximately 700 British troops quietly left Boston at night with a goal to seize colonial arms.

On the same night Paul Revere learned about what the British were planning to do and sought to warn the colonist. Revere then got the Sons of Liberty in Charleston. There were two old lanterns that Revere used in the Old North Church steeple that could be seen from Charleston. One lantern meant that the British were traveling by land, Two lanterns meant that they were traveling by water.

Revere and his two allies William Dawes, and Dr.Samuel Prescott traveled on horseback to warn the militia in Concord. During their trip a patrol of British soldiers stopped the three riders. Dawes and Prescott escaped, but Revere was held for questioning. This didn't stop Prescott from completing his trip to warn the militia in Concord. By the time the British arrived the Minutemen were ready.

"The Shot Heard Around The World"
On April 19th the redcoats reached Lexington. About 70 armed minutemen were waiting for them. The inexperienced Lexington militia faced a much larger British force. The British ordered the minutemen to go back home. Both captains gave orders to their troops, but amongst the chaos a shot rang out. No one never knew who fired the first shot.

The shooting continued for 20 minutes leaving 8 Lexington men dead, and 10 wounded. While the British only had 1 soldier injured and none were killed. The British kept moving towards Concord. This time they encountered 300 Minutemen. The Americans inflicted more casualties than the British this time around. The British fled, but hundreds of colonial Minutemen shot at them from behind trees, walls, rocks, and buildings.

By the end of the day the British totaled 73 dead and 200 wounded and missing. Massachusetts counted 49 killed and 43 wounded or missing. The battle at Lexington and Concord is considered the first battle of the American Revolution. On May 10, 1775 Ethan Allen, Patriot and colonial leader from Vermont, and Benedict Arnold from Massachusetts led a troop of militia in an attack on Fort Ticonderoga in Northeastern New York.

The militia went by the name of the Green Mountain Boys. The Green Mountain Boys surprised the sleeping British soldiers and captured the fort without firing a shot. The victory at Fort Ticonderoga gave the colonist the advantage they needed. They captured the forts artillery including large guns, 59 cannons and 19 other pieces of heavy artillery.

On the same day the Second continental congress met in Philadelphia. At this meeting George Washington was appointed the commander and cheif of the colonial forces also known as the Continental Army. As tension between Britian and the colonies escalted the colonist had to chose a side. Those who supported colonial self rule called themselves Patriots. The Patriots believed that independence was necessary. Colonist who supported Britian were called Loyalist.

The Patriots entered the war with a disadvantage. The colonial forces were poorly organized and untrained. They also had very little gunpowder, cannons and no navy. The Patriots also had an advantage. They had Washington, George Washington was the leader of the Patriots. Washington developed into a great commander and had experience. Furthermore, the Patriots were determined to fight to defend their homes and property.

The British was a powerful force. They had highly trained experienced troops with the best navy in the world at that time.The disadvantage the British faced was being 3,000 miles away from home. June 16, 1775 The first major battle of the Revolution occurred. This battle was called the Battle of Bunker Hill. Boston then learned that the British were planning to seize the hills overlooking the city. Colonel William Prescott led 1,200 minutemen to occupy Bunker Hill and Breed's Hill to prevent the British from taking the high ground.

The next morning British troops attacked. They took both Bunker Hill and Breed's Hill but at an enormous cost. More than 1,000 were left dead or wounded. The Americans totaled 400 dead or wounded. This proved that the Americans were not afraid to go and battle, and that they would not be easily defeated. During the summer of 1775 the Continental Congress and the colonist were in a difficult position. They debated whether to pursue peace, or prepare for war.

In an attempt to restore peace with Britain, delegates sent the King a petition. They asked the King to solve the ongoing conflict between the colonies and the Parliament. Instead he proclaimed the colonies were "an open and avowed rebellion". In December 1775 the Parliament decided to punish the colonies. The King ordered blockades to colonial ports cutting off all forms of trade. In January 1776 the cannons that the Green Mountain Boys captured from Fort Ticonderoga arrived in Boston.

Washington had the cannons strategically placed at Dorchester Heights, overlooking the harbor. Washington's plan was successful an worked. Once the General Howe from Britain saw the cannons he knew that his men must retreat. They sailed from Boston to Canada. Over 1,000 American Loyalist went along with them. They feared that they would not be safe with angry Patriots if they stayed in Boston. Alarmed by the colonist show of force in Boston, King George signed a Treaty with Germany that allowed him to hire 20,000 German soldiers to help fight the colonist.

These soldiers were known as Hessians who were known for being fierce fighters. The British sent 370 ships from England to put down the revolt. These ships contained 32,000 troops and approximately 12,000 Hessians. The soldiers were to join the troops in Canada for a surprise attack on New York City. In 1776 Thomas Paine published his pamphlet title Common sense. Common sense argued in favor of the colonies becoming independent.

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"American Revolution"
The American Revolution also known as the American Revolutionary war was the war fought for American Independence. The conflict arose from growing tensions between residents of the 13 colonies in North America and British authorities. After the First continental congress meeting where the issues of the Intolerable Acts were dicussed, delegates scheduled another meeting to be held in May 1775. Little did they know a massive war was about to break out.

After the First continental congress meeting where the issues of the Intolerable Acts were dicussed, delegates scheduled another meeting to be held in May 1775. Little did they know that a war was about to break out. On April 18, approximately 700 British troops quietly left Boston at night with a goal to seize colonial arms.

On the same night Paul Revere learned about what the British were planning to do and sought to warn the colonist. Revere then got the Sons of Liberty in Charleston. There were two old lanterns that Revere used in the Old North Church steeple that could be seen from Charleston. One lantern meant that the British were traveling by land, Two lanterns meant that they were traveling by water.

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