Independence Books

  • I Can Go to the Potty
    This book was inspired by my own potty training struggles with my son and perfect for children going through the potty training stage. This fun book will help them understand…
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  • Tell me about the Declaration of Independence
    This is a book to be sure all the young students including all rabbits understand what the Declaration of Independence mean to us
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  • Responsible Rosie
    Rosie, a fourth grader, struggles with responsibility but learns to be more independent and reliable through her daily routine and receives a puppy as a reward.
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  • The American Revolution ABC Book
    A comprehensive overview of the American Revolution, including key events, figures, and its impact on the United States.
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  • My Big Girl Bed!
    Isabella, a little girl, is excited and nervous about sleeping in her own room in her new big girl bed.
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  • The Declaration of Independence
    A brief retelling of the events leading to the Declaration of Independence and the importance of freedom.
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  • The
    The story of Stephen F. Austin, a key figure in Texas history, from his birth to his impact on the state's development and independence.
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  • Guide dogs
    The visually impaired are all around us, but who are the ones who assist these people? They are none other than guide dogs - we wrote this book about them! Everyone knows tha…
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