Color Symbolism Books

  • African Arts And Music
    An informative book about Kente cloth, its meaning, color symbolism, geometric patterns, and the Nigerian film industry.
  • The Flag of the United States
    The story explains the history and symbolism of the United States flag, as well as the meanings of colors on flags in general.
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  • The American Flag
    The story explains the history and symbolism of the American flag, from its origins in the 13 colonies to its current design with 50 stars representing each state.
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  • About the U.S Flag
    The story explains the history and symbolism of the American flag, including its colors and proper display.
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  • African Art and Music:
    A book about African music and art, covering topics such as African hip hop, Ladysmith Black Mambazo, AfroCubism, Kente cloth, Nollywood, and Bollywood.
    A girl named Kente discovers a magical cloth and goes on an adventure with her dog. They find a carpet and name it Kente Cloth.
  • The History of the Chinese New Year
    A description of the Chinese New Year celebration in China, including traditions, symbolism, and the importance of family.
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  • Queen of
    A collection of stories about the symbolism and meanings of different flowers, including calla lilies, lotus flowers, black roses, and tulips.
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