Colorado Books

  • Hi, I'm Amy!
    My name is Amy, I wrote this book as part of a project for
    my Masters Degree at The University of Saint Joseph.
    I currently reside in Farmington, CT with my boyfriend…
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  • The Travels of Flat Stanley
    Flat Stanley travels from Georgia to Colorado to visit his friend's cousin, Kelle. He explores the desert, visits ancient dwellings, and has adventures.
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  • This is Colorado!
    I was really missing my niece back home and thought I should make her a book showing her all I'd seen and let her know how much I love her! I hope you enjoy the views!
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  • Colorado
    An informative book about the geography, climate, and attractions of Colorado, including its land features, ski resorts, and unpredictable weather.
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  • Colorado State Government
    An introduction to the concept of government and its branches, using Colorado as an example. Explains the roles of the executive, legislative, and judicial branches at both t…
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  • Trip to Colorado
    A child recounts their summer trip to Colorado with friends, describing train rides, hiking, sightseeing, rafting, staying with family, shopping, and dining.
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  • The Fourth Grade Class and the Giant Candle
    In a Colorado school, students and teacher gather acts of kindness to create a bright candle. Santa helps them raise it high on a Christmas tree.
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  • Kili The Wonder Dog
    Share a gripping adventure with Kili The Wonder Dog as he risks his life in one of the worst floods in Colorado history.
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