Community Activism Books

  • Wilma Mankiller
    The story of Wilma Pearl Mankiller, the first female Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation, and her journey as an activist and community developer.
  • The Important of Enviromental Sustainability in Our City
    Aidan's transformation from apathy to environmental activism inspires his community to embrace sustainable living.
  • A Brighter Tomorrow Starting TODAY!
    This book is about asthma and air pollution and what preventative measures can be taken to reduce the risk.
  • The Garden of Change
    "The Garden of Change" is a heartfelt narrative that follows the journey of an 11-year-old boy named Stefanos, who lives in the picturesque town of Green Valley. The story el…
  • History Of Ella Baker
    This is a biography of Ella Baker, a civil rights activist. It covers her early life, education, and involvement in various organizations and movements.
  • Isolation and discrimination
    A Japanese immigrant shares their journey to America, facing discrimination and hardships, but also finding hope and strength through community and activism for better living…
  • 10 Women Who Shaped History
    A collection of biographies about influential women throughout history, including Maya Angelou, Rosa Parks, Harriet Tubman, Malala Yousafzai, Mary Wollstonecraft, Frida Kahlo…
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  • Strong People Don't Need Strong Leaders
    The story of Ella Josephine Baker, a civil rights activist who fought for social justice and equality in the 1960s.
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