Community Service Books

  • It is Not Your Fault !
    Woody, a young beaver, navigates the challenges of leaving home due to his father's anger. With the help of a frog, bees, and a woodpecker, he learns to manage his emotions a…
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  • Captain Co-op, the New Assistant, & the Tornado
    Captain Co-op and his assistant, Volt the electric eel, work at a cooperative that provides electricity and community services. They face a tornado and help with storm damage.
  • Llama-Llama Tutu takes a Vacation
    About the Author:
    Tani (Taw-nee) Adams
    I have lived in the Pacific Northwest most of my life. I was a volunteer Club leader for Washington State University Youth P…
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  • A Grieving Mother's Diary
    My five steps of grief... This book is to give inspiration to all whom is grieving from a loss child, and lost your faith.
  • Community Service
    A book about different community service activities, such as donating books, blood, planting trees, and helping the elderly. It emphasizes the importance of giving back to th…
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    This book provides a list of service projects for kids to volunteer and make a difference in their community. It also suggests various ways to organize and participate in the…
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  • Community service
    A call to action to help various vulnerable groups and address societal issues through donations, assistance, and cleaning.
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  • The Wonderful Women of Hingham
    This book is a collection of stories about influential women in Hingham, written by Girl Scout Troop 62447. It highlights the contributions of various women, from school nurs…
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