Compliments Books

  • Will You Be My Friend?
    This book offers simple tips for young children on how to make friends, share, and show kindness, encouraging them to connect and play together happily.
  • The Virtual Hero
    Ellie's first day of online school is marred by embarrassment, but a classmate's kind words help her embrace her unique home and spread kindness.
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  • The Little Things In Life
    Jenna takes on a school project to spread kindness by giving compliments. She brightens people's day and realizes it makes her feel good too.
  • Do YOU like my Dress?
    A boy is excited to start first grade and wants to wear his favorite dress, but worries about what others will think. In the end, he receives compliments and makes friends.
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  • YOU ARE..
    A poetic affirmation of someone's beauty, strength, and positive qualities using vivid imagery and comparisons to nature and everyday objects.
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  • Ariana Grande
    All of this book is about Ariana Grande and I don't copyright anything. Thanks for reading!
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  • It'll Be Okay
    Jason has a rough morning but receives compliments and encouragement from his teacher, Miss Decker, which helps him feel better about himself.
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  • Jeff and the Yellow Shirt
    A young boy named Jeff finds a bright yellow shirt in a box and has a dream about wearing it to town. He is initially self-conscious but gains confidence when people complime…
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