Concerns Books

  • The Night Before College...
    On the night before college, a girl reflects on her childhood memories and expresses gratitude for her parents.
    Eye Icon 11830
    Star Icon 789
  • The Class Hero
    Justin, a student in Mrs. Jane's class, is being bullied during recess until a new student named Timmy stands up for him and helps create a positive environment.
    Eye Icon 4428
    Star Icon 174
  • A Story of Fruits and Vegetables
    The vegetables and fruits in the kitchen have a meeting to discuss their differences, but ultimately learn to appreciate each other's nutritional value.
    Eye Icon 29391
    Star Icon 101
  • How can global warming affect habitats?
    Four animals from different habitats share their concerns about global warming and its impact on their lives.
    Eye Icon 82
    Star Icon 2
  • The Three Brothers
    Three competitive brothers try to prove who is the smartest by finding the best way to travel the world.
    Eye Icon 1400
    Star Icon 154
  • Digital Literacy
    A teacher discusses the benefits and concerns of technology in education, shares resources, and suggests interactive training for teachers and digital literacy for students.
    Eye Icon 21
    Star Icon 1
  • Commerce sole trading concern
    Monica opens her own monogramming business, a sole proprietorship. She learns about the advantages and requirements of this business structure.
    Eye Icon 16
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  • My First Book COLLEGUES
    Two employees, Muzaffar and Kumush, are chosen to participate in a festival in Paris. They have concerns and discuss their plans.
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