Conductors Books

  • Conductor Dave's Magical Adventure
    Jonah, a boy with a dream of being a train conductor, encounters a friendly monster who grants his wish. He receives a toy locomotive that can transform into a real train whe…
  • Harriet Tubman: Conductor to Freedom
    The story of Harriet Tubman, a former slave who became a conductor on the Underground Railroad, leading many slaves to freedom.
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  • Insulators and Conductors
    This informative book explains the concepts of insulators and conductors through simple examples and experiments.
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  • Electricity
    An informational book about batteries, circuits, conductors, insulators, and electrical charge. Explains concepts with examples and diagrams.
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  • Transportation
    A simple and informative book introducing various vehicles and their purposes, including fire trucks, police cars, boats, airplanes, hot air balloons, school buses, front loa…
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    This book tells the story of Harriet Tubman and her role in the Underground Railroad, rescuing over 300 slaves.
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  • Harriet Tubman
    The story provides a brief overview of Harriet Tubman's life, including her upbringing in slavery, escape to freedom, and accomplishments as a conductor on the Underground Ra…
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  • Zap! It's Electricity!
    This book is designed for HD Ningbo School Year Two students to learn about electricity.
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