Consumer Movement Books

  • Chapter 5
    This book discusses the consumer movement and the rights of consumers in the marketplace. It highlights the need for rules and regulations to protect consumers from unfair pr…
    This book discusses consumer rights and the consumer movement in India. It covers topics such as exploitation in the marketplace, the role of government in protecting consume…
    A collection of definitions related to fashion and clothing, with a focus on fast fashion and its impact on the environment.
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  • World History for Kids
    A geography, economics, government, culture, religion, history book for children covering various topics with some errors in grammar and organization.
  • World War I and The 1920s
    This book provides a comprehensive overview of World War I and the significant events of the 1920s, including the causes of the war, US involvement, technological advancement…
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  • The Great Adventure
    Timmy learns about the food chain and food web with the help of a wizard named Bob during an adventure.
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  • The Last Water Drop
    Lizzy, Geo, and Carl, three animal friends, search for water in a hot desert. They encounter predators but eventually find water with the help of a hawk.
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  • ABC's of Marketing
    The story is an informative piece about Nike, covering various aspects of the company from its competition to its marketing strategies and ethical practices. Each section is …
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